What is Mindful Parenting

6 years ago

What is mindful parenting? It is a way for parents to connect to and have more compassion and understanding with their child(ren).
Mindfulness is deliberate awareness to the present moment with qualities of acceptance, non-judgment, curiosity, and observation. Mindful Parenting is the practice of intentionally bringing purposeful awareness to everyday parenting situations in order to cultivate and deepen the parent-child connection.
Children who grow feeling connected to their parents:
*Have healthy self-esteem
*Do better in school
*Choose healthy relationships
*Feel comfortable around adults
*Explore and try new things
*Have an easier time with change
*Develop a positive self-concept
 In other words, the parent-child connection grows happy children!

The Mindful Parent - Experience the joy of connecting with our children
It's All In Your Mind - The ancient practice of mindfulness is helping children stress less and focus better — in school and at home.
Mindful parent - Settings intentions & creating connections
Mindful Parent Happy Child - Mindfulness is deliberate awareness to the present moment with qualities of acceptance, non-judgment, curiosity, and observation.
From the publisher of mindful parenting magazine