For Parents

6 years ago

Parents play the most important role in providing support and building the confidence of their children. Here at Bethune Elementary, we want to work together with parents for the betterment of our students. We are always looking for Parent volunteers and members for our PTO, SSC, and ELAC. We encourage you to check out some of the tips listed below and activities that can be used to develop a child's confidence and improve their overall school experience.

Be generous with praise
-Observe your child carefully and comment on the things that they do well. When you identify any areas that need improvement, address them with your child and encourage them to do better.

Encourage "personal best"
-Help your child by encouraging him or her to do their best both in school and at home. Nobody is perfect and children need to know that. Always remember that "personal best" does not mean "perfect." While we want children to get the best grades possible, learning is not the same as high grades so encourage your child to try their personal best. Children, like adults, need to have the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. 

Make learning a priority

-Be the example for your child. Your attitude towards their education, school attendance and school involvement makes a strong and lasting impression on your child. Show your child that their education is a priority by showing interest in their school work, reflecting on their school day and promoting Perfect Attendance by getting them to school every day, all day, on time.

Show interest in school work
* Talk about how their day was at school.
* Ask to see classwork.
* Have your child read aloud to you.
* Read to and with your child from a variety of material in your first language. 
* Encourage your child to discuss new ideas and opinions. 
* Show appreciation for good efforts.

Offer suggestions for success
Help your child use the following strategies to improve performance at school:
* Do homework together.
* Apply to what has been learned to daily activities.
* Set up an area for homework that is away from noise and distractions.
* Schedule study time.
* Organize a schedule on a family calendar for school activities and due dates.